I’m Beth! And I guess you could say this whole homestead started with my crazy idea! Lets grow and raise everything we eat! At first, it was a little overwhelming, but here we are 5 years later living our back to the basics life, and teaching others along the way! I have culinary training, have worked for and been mentored by some of the best chefs in our state, and I LOVE FOOD! I love knowing that the food I am feeding my family is the best I possibly can, loved for, humanely dispatched, and prepared with knowledge and passion. 

I have three young girls. And they are the driving force behind what we do!

Riley is oldest. She loves her animals but LOVES horses! Seeing her dig a carrot out of the garden and eat it for breakfast is probably one of my fondest (and proudest) moments on this farm.

Caroline is such a WORKER! She loves riding the tractor with her daddy, and I love how much she looks to him when they are outside working!

Elizabeth is the baby. She may or may not know the crazy that she was born into, but so far she is a fan of carrots, strawberries and blueberries, and LOVES her chickens and goats.